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The Referral Process

Dr. Irvine does provide several services.  However, Dr. Irvine has "opted out" of the Alberta Healthcare Insurance Plan (AHCIP).  As a result, all of the services provided by Dr. Irvine are not covered by the Alberta Healthcare Insurance Plan (AHCIP).  Your patient will have to pay for the service directly out of pocket.  Unfortunately, the AHCIP will not reimburse the patient for the cost of the service.

Dr. Irvine. doesn't need a formal referral letter to see a patient in consultation.  However, the information provided can be very helpful for specific questions.

The cost of assessments is as follows:

  • Comprehensive Physiatry Assessment is $750.

  • Minor Assessment for a focused problem is $500.

  • Chronic Pain Medication Management Assessment is $500. (NOTE:  Dr. Irvine will not take over medication pain management.  He will provide recommendations for optimizing dosages to maintain or improve the patient's function.)

For convenience, your patient can book an appointment for a screening intake with Dr. Irvine for a cost of $150.  The screening intake is used to determine whether Dr. Irvine will be able to offer assistance in the management of your patient.  If he feels he can assist, the $150 will be applied to the in-person assessment fee.  Your patient can book an appointment by following the APPOINTMENT link on Dr Irvine's Website.

What are the financial options for your patient?

  • The patient can try to obtain funding through their insurance benefits.  Dr. Irvine has provided a letter of explanation for the patient to give to their insurance provider, but he will not complete forms, etc., for the funding.

  • The funding can be obtained through Medicard, a medical assessment and procedure financing company.

If your patient wants to proceed with the assessment with awareness of the cost, please complete the attached referral form and fax it to Dr. Irvine's office.

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